Described as The Devil Wears Prada meets Office Space, Camille Perri's debut novel The Assistants follows the story of Tina, a personal assistant who's spent six years booking jets and making appointments for her boss while getting paid very little, whose moral compass momentarily malfunctions when she receives a $20k cheque after a blip in her company's expenses system and decides to keep it.
Perri, a book editor at Cosmopolitan, a ghost writer of a number of YA novels and a former assistant herself, has received rave reviews from bloggers and fellow authors, with Lucy Diamond calling it 'fresh, smart and very funny' and Elisabeth Egan saying 'After a long day at work, this is the book you'll want to pick up'. The Assistants is published April 21 by Corgi, and is sure to be a massive hit, particularly with the many young professionals in cities across the world who have fantasised about paying off their student loans with their bosses' expenses accounts.